We open new ways everywhere in the world, exporting to more than 40 countries and trespassing new borders every day. Being so, our soles leave a mark from the most cosmopolitan city to the most hidden forest of the planet.
We want to guarantee to you the best service, that is why we have factories, warehouses and agents throughout the world.
As usual, we look for offering you the best possible product, one that fits your needs in term of production and demand, with the best finish and highest quality. And we want to be your style, because for CASLITE the shoe market means fashion and trend. A market which constantly challenges us to adapt, to change and to move. That is why we continuously renovate and move forward, setting trends and opening new ways.

If you already knew Caster, this is the time to find out about CASLITE. Let us guarantee to you this as a very positive change, thanks to our worldwide expansion. Thanks to our advance to the future, with the confidence given by our firm roots, pride of our well done job, we are changing our identity as you can see through all our communications and corporate image.
Our distribution network reaches any corner in the world, wherever our client needs us. Our most valuable asset are our two production plants in Elche (Spain) and Guangzhou (China). In both we create our exclusive developments and make all our manufacturing. We then supply to our clients from these plants according the proximity.
All this allows us to have a huge production capacity and fastness in the deliveries with a wide range of products with the tested high quality and constant evolution.
This is our distinction and our signature. We understand quality of the materials is in the quality control, in the product and its use.
But above all, how to reach out to our clients, as we understand that in CASLITE we understand that QUALTY IS THE SATISFACTION that we may give to our client. Give it a try …
You well know that in CASLITE we are absolutely concerned with the environment and that we apply strictly all protection and conservation protocols demanded by international markets.
We apply sustainable and ecological means and keep active working programs toward the total elimination of pollution. In the manufacturing process we only use first quality raw materials. Thanks to the modern design of our installations, we include the use of recycled materials coming from our own products.
This is CASLITE compromise with the environment: product oriented to create a sustainable environment, free of PVC and hazardous substances.
Our R+D+I uses a replica of the machinery installed in the production process, which allow us to turn into reality technical improvements and create the most advanced products and use more sustainable processes.
Because CASLITE means progress and constant evolution.